Drafts, Picture-in-Picture, and More

Telegram has replaced email for business communication for many of our users. But in a messenger, a lot of people are competing for your attention. Sometimes they interrupt you halfway through typing an important message, and you forget all about it. Good news! With our latest update, this is no longer a problem.

Today we're introducing Drafts. Unfinished messages are now clearly visible in the chats list, and the chat with an unsent draft will move to the top. What's more – all your drafts are now synced across all your devices. Now you can start typing on your phone, then continue on your computer – right where you left off.

Drafts in the chats list


On iOS, YouTube and Vimeo videos get a new button in the bottom right corner. Tap it to shrink the video and continue watching and listening while accomplishing other tasks.

You can drag the minimized video around the screen so that it doesn't get in the way. On iPads, videos in PiP mode will follow you around even if you switch to a different app. PiP will become available for all videos in Telegram in one of the next updates.

Internal Video Player for Android

Android users will enjoy the new built-in video player, available for Android 4.1+.

New built-in video player on Android

…and more

On top of this, Telegram v.3.10 allows you to view the entire set of a group‘s profile pictures instead of just the latest one. The beautiful ’Scroll to bottom' button with an unread messages counter has made it to Android and Telegram Desktop.

New unread messages counters

We've improved design across all of our apps. Telegram Desktop now sports nifty blue unread message counters, new buttons, and fully revamped profile pages.

We at Telegram are hard at work expanding the boundaries of what you can do with a messaging app. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

June 14, 2016
The Telegram Team

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